Wednesday, May 25, 2011

New E.P.F. Massage

Hey guys Grossy here there's a new E.P.F. massage and I'm gonna show you what it is! (First time doing one of these.)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Grossy Talks About The Medieval Party

Hey guys it's Grossy! The Medieval Party is here and I'm going to tell you how to beet the dragons!

1. If your fighting the Red Dragon first take a look at this picture.

2. If your fighting the Yellow Dragon here is a hint.

3. If your fighting the Blue Dragon here is a hint

4. The last and freakiest step is to fight the Hydra!!!

Grossy Posts A New Comic

Hey guys! Grossy here! Sorry we haven't posted in a while. It's just we were gone for a while. Well here's the new comic!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Herbert replies to Jet Pack Guy!

Today if you check your Spy Phone, Herbert has sent a message!
Don't you wish he gave more details? This message is really short!

How To Become Part Of The Beta Team.

Grossy here! And I am going to tell you how to become part of the Beta Team here it is.

1. Go to the Blog.

2. Go to Archives.

3. Go to April 2011

4. Go down to the Stamp Book post when it says -Club Penguin Team

5. Click on Team. (If it doesn't work do it one more time and then it should work.)

6. Log in and type in ls and click on Rollerscape 1.0.

And there you have it! Although there's a glitch that it doesn't work.

Also this is what the tab will look like.

~Waddle On!

What the heck!?

For some reason the server glitch is not fixed for some people! However, it is fixed for me. It might be the web browser or computer. I use a mac with Safari on it. Maybe it is the browser?


Hey Grossy here. Waves I believe you but for some strange reason it still isn't fixed. Weird huh?

Glitch fixed

Waves1324 here!

Just a quick update. I went on Club Penguin today and the server glitch is fixed!
If you want to find me on CLub Penguin, check out my tracker on the right →→→
Also, become my friend on Paintboy's forum!

Paintboy100 Forum

Hello, this is Butler456 and i'm on paintboy100 forum! You an also see waves grossy and jetstorm!

Clubpenguin Glitch

I went to play Clubpenguin and I logged in but then this happened!

Beta Team Glitch

Hey, Butler456 here and I went to do the beta team and I typed in my name and pass but when I hit enter the screen went BLANK!

Grossy Posts A New Comic

Hey everyone Grossy here! Just wanted to say that the Medieval Party is coming in two days. The reason why I say two days is because all party's come early the night before the party. Anyways here's the new comic!

New Field Op Cheat

Hey Grossy here! this is the new Field Op cheat!

Grossy Thanks JetStorm For Helping Us With The Blog.

Grossy here. Just wanted to thank JetStorm for helping us with the blog. I will post a new comic soon but for now I just wanted to thank JetStorm.

Please Follow Us!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

JetStorm Is coming in!

Hey guys you may or may not know me but I am a new author here and you may notice that i am using someone else's account and Grossy gave it to me and I am going to help with the comics, and I am going to start off good so here you go:
Hope you like it!
Thanks for viewing!

New EPF message from Jet Pack Guy!

Waves1324 here!
Today I saw my spy phone blinking. I clicked it and here is what JPG has to say:

So, Herbert WILL be at the Medieval Party! What do you think?

Grossy Posts A New Comic

Hey Grossy here! Just wanted to tell you that you will have a chance to meet me, and Butler456 at the Medieval Party! Here's the new comic!

P.S. We will be in the Member rooms to. ;)

Butler456 Talks Rare Furniture Items

Butler456 here, and I would like to talk rare furniture items one of the most rarest items is the Penguin-esa it was one of the first items and it hasn't been sold ever sense. Im friends with Happy77 and I went to her igloo and she had the Penguin-lisa!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Herbert talks Medieval???

Waves1324 here!
Check out what Herbert has to say this time:
Wait a minute...the way he talks..."ye fools" and "cometh". That gets me suspicious. It leaves me thinking that he will be at the Medieval Party! What do you think???

New EPF Message

Hello, it's butler456 here showing you a new message. Well here it is:

Why did the Protobot change sides!

Medieval Party Sneek Peek!

Waves1324 here!
Today on the Club Penguin blog, Billybob posted a sneak peek of the Medieval Party!
So, there will be three knight quests? Cool! I remember at the 2008 Medieval party there was no quest! In 2009 there was one. In 2010 there was two. Now there will be three! Pretty cool! When Butler456 posted Happy77's Video, you can see part of the quest!
What are you most excited about? I can't wait for the party!

Beta Team Extra Rollerscape levels!

Waves1324 here!
On the Beta team, there is 3 new levels of Rollerscape! Let me tell you how to get there!
First go to the What's new Page on Stamps. Then click the word team!
Then enter your name and password to get in!
Then enter "ls" in the command field. You can type in "help" for other commands!
Typing in "ls" will take you to the game select screen.
When I click on Rollerscape History, all that pops up is a blank screen! But we are not here for that. Click on Rollerscape Extra Levels! Then select from one out of three new stages!
These stages are very challenging compared to the first ten in Rollerscape 1.0. Check out level three! Its hard all right! It took me a couple tries to beat!
What do you think of these three new levels? Would you want them to be part of the game? I do!

Waves1324 Talks Rare Items!

Hello Everybody! Its Waves1324!

Today I wanted to talk about Rare items. There are several. I consider an item to be rare if its about a year old and will not be available again. The oldest rare item there is is the Beta Party Hat, which released on Club Penguin's Opening Day! The oldest item I have is the yellow snorkel. I got it back in February 2008. I also have the gold armor, the third year anniversary hat, and much more items. So, do you have a rare item? What item is it?

New Poll!

Waves1324 here!

Today, Club Penguin posted a new poll question:

"Penguin Style has gone Medieval! What is your favorite costume?"
-The Duchess
-The Blue Dragon
-The Black Smith
-What's Medieval? The Bunny Costumes!

Grossy Talks About Fistentertainment1 Youtube Channel.

It's REALLY funny! Please rate and subscribe!!!


Grossy Posts A New Comic

Hey guys Grossy here! Just wanted to tell you that the Medieval Party is May 20-29. Anyways Here's the comic! (It's not really a club penguin comic but it's funny.)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Grossy Talks About New Green Puffle Wallpaper

Hey guys Grossy here!!! Just wanted to thank Waves for helping us. Now about the Green Puffle wallpaper I set it as my wallpaper. (Of course.) If you didn't know of it here's the picture.

Club Penguin music!

Want to get groovy by listening to your favorite Club Penguin song?

Check out this link!!!

Toys for Mexico!

Club Penguin has updated the spanish blog! They say that toys are coming for people in Mexico!

If you live in Mexico, you are about to get Club Penguin toys!

Happy77 Youtube Channel


New Medieval Party Vid

Hello, I recently found this vid with happy77 in it!

Herbert sends EPF message!

Its Waves1324 again!

Herbert replied to Protobot's message we got on May 13th:

Wait a minute....He wants to defeat us but not destroy us????
What do you think Herbert will do next???

New Announcement

Hello, butler here and i'm introducing the blogs newest thing you send us pics of your igloo's to: And if your lucky your iggy will become iggy of the month!


This is butler456 thanking waves for joining you have really been helping!

Newspaper #291

Its me, Waves1324!

Sorry I posted this so late. Anyway, here is the new newspaper that came out on Thursday:

Better go help with the construction for the party!

Cool new dragon's lair igloos are popping up all over the island! Get yours today!

Here are the upcoming events:
The Medieval Party will be blast! What do you think???