Saturday, April 30, 2011

Grossy Posts A Link

Hey Grossy agian, I am going to post my forum link like I said I would in my last comic. Also I won't be just posting comics anymore, I will be posting cheats websites to. So heres my link

Grossy And Friends Cheats Forum

Waddle on!!!

Grossy Posts Another Comic

Hey Grossy again I just wanted you to know that I also have a forum of my own I'll post the link later, but right now here's the new comic.

Slow Room Glitch

It seems whenever i'm in a slow room whenever I walk my shoes aren't there! I hope CP fixes this glitch.

New Elite Gear

Hey if you been on Clubpenguin lately you'll probably notice the many recycling bins around Clubpenguin. Guess what? Their really penguins wearing the new elite gear check out this new pic.

Grossy Posts A New Comic

Hello penguins it's Grossy again I'm gonna post another comic so here it is.

New Penguin Style May 6

As you probably know from the newspaper that a new penguin style is coming to clubpenguin I think that there will be some new costumes and some old ones here check out the front page.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Grossy Posts A New Comic

Hi Grossy here this is my first post so it's gonna be a good comic. Just wanted to let you know that all my posts will be comics but I will post 2 days a week. And I will be telling new Club Penguin things like Costume Catalog, Cheats or secrets. Here's the first comic,

Treasure Hunt Stamps

I realized that they added new stamps for Treasure Hunt! Check it out!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Medieval Party

So as we all know the Medieval Party is coming up witch means:
-New costumes
-A new quest for members
-Gary is coming to the Island

New Stamps For Pizzatron3000 and Ice Fishing

Yesterday Clubpenguin added stamps for Pizzatron3000 and Ice Fishing. But i'm wondering why they haven't added some for beancounters you'd think they would with the new update.

An Interview With Billybob

I have found a interview with Billybob about clubpenguin.

Happy77 New Game Test

Happy77 has recently gave us a video of a new game it not very long but it looks fun!

New Bean Counters Update and Cheat

If you play bean counters today you'll notice this new update.
Pull the string on the bottom left corner on the first bag and jellybeans will fall out click the jellybeans to unlock the jellybean mode this version is slightly harder but funner than the original version.

New Fishing Start Screen

If you play Ice Fishing today you'll properly notice this new start screen!
It seems that Disney keeps adding new start screens i wonder whats next?

New Pizzatron3000 Start Screen

Why don't you play Pizzatron3000 today if you do you'll notice this new start screen.

New Cart Surfer Start Screen

So I went to play cart surfer and I saw that they made a new start screen for cartsurfer.
If you play cart surfer today you will notice this new change.

Snowball Glitch and Cheat

Hold in the T button and click rapidly to fire snowballs really fast other penguins cannot see this but its really fun to do!

Emote List

So iv'e decided to post a list of the keys you can press to make different moves and emotes.

Hydro Hopper Glitch

So I went to play Hydro Hopper and when I walked up to it, it started the game without asking me if I wanted to play the game.
I hope the Clubpenguin group fix this glitch ASAP.

No Series 13?

So I went to look at the new treasure book Vol. 13 and I saw it wasn't there! I wonder whats wrong with that!
And before it went missing I realized that there was no brown puffle in the book!

Snowball Glitch

Hello today I went to the mine and I saw a snow ball in front of the mine I left and came back and it was still there!
I hope CP fixes this glitch soon its getting annoying!

First Post

Hello and welcome i,m Butler456 through out the years I will be posting clubpenguin cheats and glitches. Check up daily for new cheats and glitches.